Friday, October 28, 2016

Term Four: Week Three ~ Mystery Illness and Natural Learning

Week three was a strange week with adjusting back to "normal" routine after Nana's visit, and a mystery illness for Munchkin.  So we reverted to natural learning for the week.

We played a mammoth gamer of Phase 10 with Nana before she headed to visit other family. 

Tuesday Munchkin came down with his mystery illness.  A headache and a fever and NO energy but the next day he was fine.  By late afternoon he was too sick to do anything other than watch TV.  He even struggled to do this puzzle without my help which very unusual for him. 

One afternoon we discovered this poor dead baby bird right next to our back door.  Not sure what neighbourhood cat left us this "present".  The boys were quite sad but intrigued to look at it before we buried it. 

We enjoyed a lovely playdough afternoon one day. 

The older boys and I planted this coriander plant.  We are hoping it survives and actually grows so we can actually eat it!!

We all really enjoyed this oxygen/carbon dioxide science experiment. 

Friday was spent with homeschool group with our homeschool group at our favourite park. The boys enjoyed learning how to play cricket and doing their usually climbing. 

I finished another book in this wonderful series.  I'm currently working through it for the second time while I wait for the fifth book to be published in December. 

 LOVE sharing authors from my childhood with the boys!!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Term Four: Week Two ~ Play Dates and Visits from Nana

This was a rather disrupted week.
We had a play date with our best homeschool friends on Tuesday.
Normally we would have our play date during the school holidays, but schedules clashed, so we decided to just stick it on a school day at the beginning of the term.
Also, Nana arrived Thursday night and stayed until Monday evening so I made sure the boys had all their written, structured work done BEFORE Nana arrived so they could spend time playing games with her and helping her cook.

The Munchkin is starting to show some interest in learning to write his name and some numbers.  I printed out some easy worksheets online and he worked hard. 

Monkey put lots of effort and hard work into his maths pages. 

And Munchkin had some extra fun tracing his hand. 

He and I spent some time Monday afternoon playing his favourite games. The Very Hungry Caterpillar game, and a GREAT card game called Blink!  Easy enough for my 4yr old, but challenging enough that older children like it as well. 

During our play date the "bigs" baked two batches of cupcakes and a batch of brownies... 

Then all six children enjoyed icing and decorating them. 

The boys spent the rest of the day jumping on the trampoline and playing Light Saber games. 

I got the brilliant idea to get their magic sand kits out while I did some reading aloud. Hands were busy and mouths were quiet... most of the time! 

And it isn't a visit from Nana without a good game of Rummy! 

Our book selections, (both read aloud and independent) were a good mix of history, geography, science, pictures books, and fluff!  I am happy with week two...